Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reducing Black Carbon Soot Would Slash Arctic Warming Two-Thirds by 2030, Cut Temp Rise by 0.5C

In addition to burning fossil fuels and cookstoves, industrial processes such as brick production are also important sources of black carbon emissions. Photo: jerseyshowaa / Creative Commons . A new UNEP report highlights what a growing body of research shows is an overlooked and powerful contributor to global warming:

In addition to burning fossil fuels and cookstoves, industrial processes such as brick production are also important sources of black carbon emissions. Photo: jerseyshowaa / Creative Commons . A new UNEP report highlights what a growing body of research shows is an overlooked and powerful contributor to global warming:

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Reducing Black Carbon Soot Would Slash Arctic Warming Two-Thirds by 2030, Cut Temp Rise by 0.5C

This post was written by TreeHugger

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